Litchborough Circular Walk

Length: 7.5Km (4.7 miles)

Total Ascent: 155m

Time: 11/2 Hrs

Upper Stowe


NB: The underlying map is © OpenStreetMap contributors and is used under their Terms.

Start from the church in Church Stowe. Head West along the road towards Farthingstone for approx. ¾ mile.

Waypoint 1

Waypoint 1.
At signed footpath turn left and cross the field following the obvious path.

Waypoint 2

Waypoint 2.
At the field edge cross the road diagonally to the left. Footpath signed. Proceed along keeping the hedge on your left.

Waypoint 2 Waypoint 2a

Waypoint 3.
At the end of the hedge (not a field boundary) turn diagonally across the field to the right. Aim for the corner of the large barn complex.

Waypoint 3

Waypoint 4.
Turn slightly right up to the gate.

waypoint 4

Waypoint 5.
Pass through the gate and head diagonally across the field heading for the top of the tree that can be seen to the right of the electric pole.

Waypoint 5

Waypoint 6.
Go through the gate to the left of the tree.

Waypoint 6

Waypoint 7.
Head diagonally left across the field. Heading for the large grey barns visible in the distance.

Waypoint 7

Waypoint 8.
Cross the small style and head to the far corner of the field.

Waypoint 8

Waypoint 9.
Cross the small bridge and style at the field edge and head straight up the next field keeping close to the hedge on the left

Waypoint 9

Waypoint 10.
Either pass through the gate or use the small style on the right and continue straight towards the tall tree in the distance.

Waypoint 10

Waypoint 11.
Next to the tree cross the 2 styles and turn slightly right across the field heading for the low part of the treeline.

Waypoint 11 Waypoint 11a

Waypoint 12.
Pass through the gate and proceed along the green lane to its end.

Waypoint 12

Waypoint 13.
Cross the style and turn left along the road to Litchborough.

Waypoint 13

Waypoint 14.
At the road junction turn left.

Waypoint 14

Waypoint 15.
Continue for a couple of hundred yards and then leave the road to the left having passed the village hall on the right of the road. Go diagonally across the small play area to the back hedge.

Waypoint 15

Waypoint 16.
Cross the style and turn right to follow the fenced footpath.

Waypoint 16

Waypoint 17.
At the end of the narrow footpath head across the field towards the solitary tree.

Waypoint 17

Waypoint 18.
Continue through the thin hedge line and then diagonally across the field corner to the tree and bush.

Waypoint 18

Waypoint 19.
Pass between tree and bush and head for the far corner of the field.

Waypoint 19 Waypoint 19a

Waypoint 20.
Through the narrow gap at the field corner.

Waypoint 20

Waypoint 21.
There is often no sign of a path across this field. The actual path goes directly to Wpt. 22. If there is no obvious path head diagonally left across the field to the large tree and then follow the hedge line.

Waypoint 21 Waypoint 21a

Waypoint 22.
Continue to follow the hedge line to the trees at the end. Path is on the right of the hedge, but it is often easier to continue on the left.

Waypoint 22

Waypoint 23.
At the trees turn right. Proceed a short distance before turning left through the hedge and across a small stream. Turn sharply right and head for the gap in the hedge.

Waypoint 23 Waypoint 23a Waypoint 23b

Waypoint 24.
Turn slightly uphill and head for the far hedge

Waypoint 24

Waypoint 25.
Pass through the hedge and continue into the field. The path more of less follows the contour line and so gradually turns left keeping the hilltop on the left.

Waypoint 25 Waypoint 25a

Waypoint 26.
Follow round the hillside and enter the small wood at the gap. Follow the short path through to far side if the wood.

Waypoint 26

Waypoint 27.
On emerging from the trees head straight up the field towards the conifers that can be seen to the right of the tiled roof.

Waypoint 27

Waypoint 28.
Pass between the conifers and follow the path up to the road.

Waypoint 28

Waypoint 29.
Continue up the lane straight ahead.

Waypoint 29

Waypoint 30.
At the main road turn left. Proceed 50 yards.

Waypoint 30

Waypoint 31.
Turn right down the signed path alongside the hedge.

Waypoint 32

Waypoint 32.
Continue straight through the gate, down the field and up the other side of the valley.

Waypoint 32 Waypoint 32a

Waypoint 33.
Pass through the gate and at the road turn left and after 100 yards you will be back at the start.

Waypoint 33