Upper Stowe - Church Stowe - Weedon - Field Path Round

Length: 6.25Km

Total Ascent: 140m

Number of stiles: 4 (some quite a stretch).

Time: 11/2 Hrs

The Lake


NB: The underlying map is © OpenStreetMap contributors and is used under their Terms.

Waypoint 1.
The walk starts at the Old Dairy Farm Craft Centre. Leave the car park onto the road and turn right. In 20 metres take the gravelled footpath off to the right down between the trees.

Start of Walk

Waypoint 2.
After a further 50 metres or so, the path passes through a small wooden gate into a field with sweeping views over to Church Stowe (straight ahead) and over to Northampton in the distance to the right.

Waypoint 2

Waypoint 4:
Carry on down to the bottom of the field where the path passes through a second small wooden gate and climbs the hill towards Church Stowe.

Waypoint 3

Waypoint 5.
At the top of the hill, go through a third small wooden gate and follow the path straight on past the bench and war memorial onto the road through Church Stowe.

Waypoint 4

Waypoint 6.
After 100 metres, the road will lead you to St. Michaels' Church (straight ahead). The signposted footpath that we are following leaves the road just past the church on the right. The path leads downhill past the church.
It is well worth paying the church a visit before moving on (alternatively you could visit near the end of the walk as the return route passes within 100m of the church). The tower is of Saxon origins and is over 1000 years old. Inside the church are two notable tombs on either side of the altar - one of a 12th century knight who was also lord of the manor of Stowe Nine Churches which had been gifted to his forbears by William the Conqueror. The second very fine tomb is that of Lady Elizabeth Carey. She was a descendant of the knight, and the tomb was carved by Nicholas Stone.

Waypoint 5

Waypoint 7:
At the bottom of the hill, the path again passes through a small wooden gate into a field of crops. During the late spring and summer the path is easily visible through the crops, but is not well defined for a while after autumn ploughing or sowing. The photo below shows the direction the path takes after passing through the gate.

Waypoint 7

Waypoint 8:
After the brow of the hill in the field, the path heads slightly to the left and downhill. The modest valley down to the left hand side of the path at this point has been suggested as one of the possible sites of Boudicas last stand against the Roman occupation. The Iceni and other tribes were heavily defeated at this battle, even though they had considerably superior numbers. The battle finally put an end to resistance against Roman occupation in the south of the country.


The path finally heads towards the nearest corner of the field beyond (photo below).


Waypoint 8&9
On reaching the tree-line, proceed across the small bridge and straight on up the field with the hedge on your left. At the top of the field, turn right and follow the track.

Waypoint 8

Waypoint 10:
Follow the track until you reach a metal gate with a small wooden gate to its left. Pass through the gate, over the rail and then the canal bridge, and continue to follow the track as it curves gently to the right towards the A5.

Waypoint 10

Waypoint 11:
On reaching the A5, cross the road towards the road signs on the other side just below Clarks garage. Go straight into the field using the path immediately to the right of the road signs.

Waypoint 11

Waypoint 12:
Immediately past Clarks garage turn right and follow the path across the field towards the stile in the hedgerow opposite.


Waypoint 13:
Climb the stile and follow the path diagonally across the next field to the opposite right hand corner.


Waypoint 14:
Cross the stile and follow the canal tow path to the left.


Waypoint 15:
Follow the towpath to the canal bridge (about 50m). Leave the towpath at the bridge and turn right, over the bridge to a tee junction.


Waypoint 16:
Go straight across at the junction and into the field marked with the footpath sign. The path follows the route of an old railway uphill to the top right hand corner of the field.


Waypoint 17:
At the top of the field, pass through the gsate into the next field and head towards the large tree on the other side of the field.


Waypoint 18:
Carry on past the large tree towards two stiles by a breather chimney for the railway tunnel below. cross both stiles and turn right to follow the path which runs parallel but about 20metres above the A5.


Waypoint 19:
Follow the path until it descends to meet the A5. At this point, cross the A5 and follow the small road opposite signposted Church Stowe.


Waypoint 20:
Follow the Church Stowe as it climbs and turns right past Oaktreehill Barn, a grade II Listed building dating from around 1860. The road ends in a tee junction - turn right up the road towards Church Stowe.


Waypoint 21:
At the top of the road you will come to the war memorial which you passed earlier in the walk. Turn left just past the memorial and re-trace your earlier route across the path to Upper Stowe.


On arrival back at the Old Dairy farm, why not round the walk off with tea/cakes or perhaps lunch at the Barn Restaurant there?